Last year, Communities In Schools of Thomasville reached 1,958 students with our supports and essential resources in Thomasville city alone. We surround students with a community of support so they stay – and succeed – in school.
Kids can’t get an education – or graduate and reap the benefits that come from a high school degree – if they’re not in school.
Inequitable learning conditions and disparities in chronic absenteeism, drop-out rates, and graduation rates far predate the pandemic.
Analyze multiple sources of data to identify the key needs of the school and individual students.
Site coordinators lead their
school support team to develop a plan to prioritize supports that address academic and non-academic needs.
Site coordinator and partners deliver tiers of support to the school, students and their families.
Academic Assistance
Basic Needs
Life Skills
College & Career Prep
Mental Health
Community & Service Learning
Physical Health
Site coordinator continuously
monitors student and school
progress and adjusts supports
to optimize results.
Continuous assessment
of partners and student
supports by the CIS affiliate
to demonstrate results and
improve practice.
We increase graduation,
reduce dropout, and improve
attendance for schools in need.
of our seniors graduated
of our K-11 students were promoted to the next grade
of our K-11 students remained in school
of our students met or made progress toward at least one of their attendance goals
of our students met or made progress toward at least one of their behavior goals
of our students met or made progress toward at least one of their academic goals
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Fill out our form and one of our team members will follow-up with you to see how we can serve your family!
Is your family in need?
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